1 | One representing five taken in by car group meets blame (6) AVATAR. V in AA + TAR |
2 | Blow arrangement by leaving Lex in confusion (4) LINE. (LEx IN)* |
3 | Held in quiet netscape's back, covering for nonresident (4) PENT. or TENT; P + netscapE NonresidenT, or backwards in quieT NETscape's |
4 | Jet is cause of anemia? (5) BLACK. (vitamin) B-LACK |
5 | I sadly assumed another name (5) ALIAS. I in ALAS |
6 | Hollywood hideout is filled up (5) LADEN. LA DEN |
7 | Some wine perhaps in tale surrounding tour on vacation (5) LITRE. TouR in LIE |
8 | Moll's upset with delay (3) LAG. GAL< |
9 | Exclamation as pilot's stressing units over the radio (5) JEEZE. Hom. of Gs |
10 | Rod cut round lake (4) AXLE. L in AXE |
11 | Venerable one's fifth plot? (4) BEDE. BED E |
12 | Cohort goes next, though often ignored (3,1) GENX. GoEs NeXt |
13 | Half eaten children scattered around monster (4) LICH. (CHILdren)* |
14 | One leaving bar with jug? (6) BREWER. BaR + EWER |
15 | Stars breaking up in Nebraska over eggs (5) NOVAE. OVA in NE |
16 | Roof piece finishes off Mount Fuji memorial service (4) TILE. mounT fujI memoriaL servicE |
17 | Promise that could inspire studs into becoming hard-working? (3) IOU. studs -> studIOUs |
18 | While cycling, catch badgers (4) NAGS. SNAG -> NAGS |
19 | Snakebird painting (perhaps in blood, perversely) (6) DARTER. ART in RED< |
20 | Kill, marrying, f***? Rejecting each, a cunning method (5) SLYLY. SLaY + LaY |
21 | Ecstasy precedes special kind of experience (3) ESP. E + SP |
22 | Setter's hunt for gold (4) MINE. D.D. |
23 | Muscle top's swapping bottoms with no prep (2,3) ADLIB. AB LID w/ ends swapped |
24 | Brief, amazed description of Mo's seating (5) SOFAS. SO FASt |
25 | Suggest knight over knave in court position (5) NUDGE. JUDGE w/ J->N |
26 | Scuffed knee raw, causing alarm (7) WAKENER. (KNEERAW)* |
27 | In the end, status quo returned for Middle East market (4) SOUQ. statuS + QUO< |
28 | Poetic, ethereal artiste Rory's exhausted (4) AERY. ArtistE RorY |
29 | One third of stand falls off music player (4) IPOD. trIPOD |
30 | Paul's partner found in naked orgy (3) ART. pARTy |
31 | Period ending in us leaving (4) TERM. TERMinus |
32 | Abandoned without name or relief (4) ALOE. ALOnE |
33 | Call over pal (3) BUD. DUB< |
34 | River finally cleared out messy place (3) STY. STYx |
35 | Shredded moss and fruits (7) DAMSONS. (MOSSAND)* |
36 | Forcefully take short boat back (4) GRAB. BARGe< |
37 | Sitter's requirement and product? (5) STOOL. D.D. |
38 | Carroll's sleep terror is boring? (5) DREAR. Carrollism of DREAM FEAR |
39 | Dry, spectacle-wearing German (4) OTTO. TT in OO |
40 | Madman trades both mothers for drugs, attaining paradise (4) EDEN. MADMAN w/ each MA->E |
41 | Something remembered in memorial; a modem... (5) ALAMO. memoriAL A MOdem |
42 | ...understanding handling 56K (6) KELVIN. LVI in KEN |